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Rocky Point Environmental takes projects of all sizes. Our experience working with local, regional, and provincial governments, local developers, multi-national corporations, and First Nations is highlighted in the projects featured on this page.
Shxwha:y Village (Skway) Landfill and Bioremediation Facility
Facility Manager, Agent, Permittee, Operator
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Tervita Corporation, Headlands Environmental
Cheam Village Landfill
Facility Manager, Agent, Permittee, Operator
Rosedale, British Columbia
Rocky Point Environmental
Alpha Landfill Closure
Project Manager
British Columbia
Tervita Corporation
Virden Landfill
Facility Manager
Tervita Corporation
Shepard Landfill
Facility Manager
Calgary, Alberta
Tervita Corporation
Richmond Bio-Remediation Facility
Facility Manager
Richmond, British Columbia
Tervita Corporation
Bailey Landfill
Facility Manager
British Columbia
Tervita Corporation
Regina Soil Facility
Facility Manager
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tervita Corporation
Wilson Road Dyke Construction (Phase 1)
Project Manager
Fraser Valley, British Columbia
Fraser Valley Regional District